You're being charged !

Refuze to Live Average DUI Conviction

Don't get caught Deciding Under the Influence...

  • Scientific Proven techniques
  • Easily Implemented Strategies
  • Self Guided Training
  • Downloadable PDF Info Guides
  • FREE Full Length Program
  • Audio & Video Training
  • Community Support
  • Build Emotional Intelligence
  • Create New Disciplines
  • Eliminate Stress
  • Understand biological hardwiring
  • Remove negative hardwiring
  • Squash limiting beliefs
  • Find inner strength
  • Develop meaningful relationships

But wait, there's more :

  • Charge your friends !

  • VIP Access to future events
  • Priority support
  • Beta test new programs
  • Regularly added bonuses
  • Affilitate opportunities
  • Referal compensation

Video Training

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Printable Infographic

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Online Support Group

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DUI Conviction Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history behind the R2LA D.U.I. Conviction Program ?
I had hit rock bottom, and things were about to get exponentially worse.   A night of drinking comined with the poor decision to drive home, and next thing you know I was handcuffed to a walltrying to understand how I allowed my life to get here.  I was charged with a DUI.  A REAL DUI.  I had a huge impact on me.  Financially and emotionally.  Years later, I decided to take one of the worst moments of my life, and turn it into something which could have a positive influence and potentially keep others from avoiding that same fate.
How long will it take me to complete the DUI Conviction Program ?
All the videos combined, total less than 25 minutes.  Within less than 1/2 hour you will learn 7 different creative ways you can redirect your emotional state and regain your composure, ensuring you will be able to make decisions from a neutral mindset.
Is there anything I will need to buy to implement this strategy ?
How do I charge my friends with a DUI ?
The day after you receive your digital access to the DUI Conviction Program, you will get an email with the subject, "You've been charged with a DUI".  This email is formatted for you to be able to easily forward it on to those you care about.
Where do I tell everyone how great this program is ?
There are multiple channels for you to share your thoughts regarding the DUI Conviction Program.   Facebook Group or email (#R2LA-DUI-Conviction) are the best.  We highly encourage you to utelize whichever one of them is most easily accessible to you.  Even better is to send us a testimony which we can use with your permission for futher promotion.
"Tony is a remarkable business professional and humanitarian. Among
his many skills and abilities, Tony's life coaching provides several incredible tools which helps individuals achieve the
success they desire "
Kevin Lewis

Lewis Education Group

"Tony has put together the perfect amount of laser focused learning.  He doesn't pull any punches or waste your time with fluff.  If you need it, it's in there.  If it's in there, you need it.

I was amazed at how quickly I was able to gain clarity in my situation and seemingly instantly know what was required to start on a new path.  I'm looking forward to getting to the next level with the Refuze curriculum."

Sir Anthony

On Air with Sir

"Tony is definitely a different type of guy, and that is exactly what I needed to produce the different results I have been looking for.   I had been stuck for so many years, and within the first night of flipping thru the material, I knew exactly where we were going and what it was going to take for me to get there.  Believe me, I wasn't the greatest student, but there was never I time I felt beat.  I just had to keep at it.  I fought change, then I learned to fight my resistence to change. "
Matty Alvini

Personal Trainer

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Allow me to adjust what you are doing today to create the results you will enjoy tomorrow. ---Tony Kates

6 + 15 =

Daily Journey Journal Tony Kates