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"If you ever have to die, die empty." - Tony Kates
Refuze represents a mindset. A way of living...
Far too long has mediocrity been considered an acceptable way to live. Sadly, the majority will never even get to experience that! The "average" person lives his quiet life of desperation with much less. Physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
Approximately 10 years ago, I said "Fuck that!". I've come to learn we are only conditioned to believe happiness is difficult and unavailable to us. We have allowed this to become our truth. NO MORE... If you're not chasing your own dreams, you are building someone else's.
Are you excited to wake up every morning?
Do you literally jump out of bed because you can't wait to enjoy the experience your day brings?
- OR -
Do you dread another day living as YOU?
Do you spend your day only reacting to the demands of others?
... Anxiously awaiting the moment you get to be distracted with some meaningless vice
or vicariously living through the accomplishments of someone else...
Who's deciding your existence?
Who owns your happiness?
If you want to REFUZE to Live Average and are willing to look inside yourself for the answers, you’ve come to the right place.
Is your life the awe of your friends?
Will YOU decide how much money you will make this month?
Are you aware of all the choices you currently have access to?
Did you know this can all change in an instant?
This lifestyle exists... and yes, it's available to you too !
You have everything you need already inside of you, but you're overlooking one critical piece. I will show it to you.
Now is the time to let YOU out. Are you ready to get started on your new journey?
Leave your name and email address in the subscription box provided and I'll tell you what it is your overlooking. But, do it now.
Tony Kates Bio
Working two years at becoming an overnight success, Tony Kates seemingly came out of nowhere to stake his claim on the personal growth industry. Focused primarily on providing solutions around personal awareness, life and career alignment, and self expression. His unique philosophies and strategies share the benefit of having an impact on every part of life. Tony believes we're conditioned toward limiting our own capabilities and that mediocrity is now seen as good enough. As such, he has set out to prove this new average is far below our true potential and playing victim is unacceptable.
“Refuze to Live Average” is his manifesto. His own life was the platform on which he experimented and developed his curriculum. “I woke up one morning and realized my entire life was a scam… But the main person I was scamming was me. Traveling down an 8 year path of depression and self destruction, in my last moment of desperation I saw a sign. This simple little self defining moment became the catapult of a new mindset. From that instant I began to purposefully deconstruct my life. Redesigning and rebuilding it from the ground up. Most importantly, my new life was being developed on my terms. I’ve taken all I learned and distilled it down into the most effective techniques and strategies. Now I’m using this exact information to dramatically transform other’s all around the world.”
Recognized by many around the globe for being authentic and energetic. The name Tony Kates is regularly accompanied with words like exuberance, determination, honesty, brilliance and passion. His style combines the technical aspects of mainstream teaching along with his own self interests and creativity. All this, with real world experimentation, combines into a unique blend of custom created solutions. At the end of the day, a solution is only as good as the results it provides, and Tony has helped thousands of people just like you immediately realize new levels of potential.
Expanding his philanthropy as a contributor to Charity: water and Water.org, Tony looks forward to participating more in the actual deployment of water solutions around the world.
Currently, you can find Tony continuing to create change in others while still committing to being a student of growth himself. Maintaining daily physical and emotional practices to not only become the best version of himself but also be his best expression. “How we express ourselves is how we create, connect, and expand our world.”