Start_Here_300X300I built the Refuze community to support and encourage men to develop a new awareness and commitment to life.

 - Connect fuller and deeper
 - Expand your potential
 - Eliminate depression and stress
 - Increase your value and income

Within the R2LA Community, we address all the topics responsible to take your life far beyond what once were your preconceived limitations.  A brief list of these topics is Self-Mastery, Social Cognizance, Relationship Mastery, Lifestyle Enhancement, and much more.

If you're sitting their saying, “What makes you the expert?”   My answer is, “I’m not.  But everyday I'm getting better...”   I'm just a guy, who 15 years ago, made a decision to no longer be a victim of my own experiences.  I was determined to study the efforts of those before me, while putting in my own work, toward overcoming and continuously challenging my personal roadblocks.  While doing so, I recognized a code hidden within the universe which guided me from self destruction to self reliance.  That code was R.E.F.U.Z.E.  Realizing the impact it had on my life, I've chosen to dedicate myself toward supporting other men interested in living this same next level existence.

If you Refuze to continue on your current path and have decided to grow in every way, then I invite you to Refuze  with me... with us.




The next logical step is to dive in & become an Honorary Member of the Refuze Community.  Registering will provide you FREE access to all the tools and techniques you need to change your life forever.  Quick collections of videos, interviews, experiments, challenges and more.  Designed and presented for men who want to excel in every aspect of their being.  Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Covering topics such as self-mastery and enlightenment, health & fitness, relationships, business and more. 




Once you've joined the ranks of the Refuz-eneurs, get active in your community.  Like your FB Refuze to Live Average Page and join the private Refuze FB Group where you can participate and share stories with like minded men from around the world.  We also have an exclusive Refuze Inner Circle group for our upgraded members, where collectively we will drive human evolution by developing the necessary solutions to expand our existance.  We look forward to the value only you can bring with your stories and insight to share.  Let's be in this together!



Go_Shopping_ImageYou live through your senses.  All of the products offered here are created specifically to encourage the production of positive responses in your feelings and demeanor.  Intentionally engaging your senses dramatically increases your ability to create meaningful changes.  I invite you to stop by our store and set up your external world to reflect your internal . You are supporting the movement.  Every time you purchase products from our store, you are helping to fund this mission to make positive change in men around the world.  



Refuze_Thank_YouIt's amazing to have watched my Refuze concept go from a sketch on a postit-note, to the internationally known way of being it is today.  And I know, with you behind it, this is just the beginning.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  None of this is possible without your participation.  Your involvement is critical and appreciated, so make sure you continue to offer your input.  Let's continue this positive momentum and continue to shock the world!  

As individuals, we are just beginning to scratch the surface of what we are capable of.  As a brand, we are dedicated to driving and continuing to support and grow with this evolution.  We're in this together... Click the image below to immediately get started on your new path to an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE!!  We offer this free 5 Day 180 Program to jumpstart your progress and give you a good taste of what we are all about.  Enjoy !

"This is not a revolution.  It's an inevitable evolution."  - Tony Kates

"Tony's authentic desire and commitment to his own development and that of those he works with, is exceptional !"


Feminine Power Coach

Daily Journey Journal Tony Kates