There’s no single philosophy or a single specific guide that can encompass how personal development is attained. The principles in place may be something learnt from someone else or it may be something you yourself discover through experience. What counts is that it is a continuous process that makes you a better person not just in your career or personal lives but as an individual working in contentment, happiness and harmony with the world especially with the people around you.
Your Goals may be holding you back…
People decide on goals with the best intentions and feel that by having all of these goals and working toward them, they are doing themselves justice. Some may be short term, some long. But take a moment to really consider what your goals are how many can you actually accomplish at once? Are some of your goals counterproductive to your overall progression? Are some even goals at all. Take for example losing weight. Should losing weight really be considered a goal? I know I'm gonna get flack for that statement but think of it this way...
Your main goal is personal success. But you are currently focusing on losing weight. Yes, losing weight is a challenge you'd like to conquer but in the focus of personal success, it's my belief.
Stop looking for meaning and create it…
Spending your life trying to find its meaning is pointless. You won't find it. Meaning is not a thing that is presented TO you, it's created BY you. Spend your life pursuing your purpose and the meaning becomes written.
Burden or Benefit…
You are one or the other.
The closest to you will hurt you the most. This is true because you would never want to turn away from a close friend or family member who is in need and you would never believe that they would willingly want to do you any harm. They may not believe they are doing so either, but once you realize and understand the power of auto-suggestion and the subconscious mind, you will realize the impact they are inflicting on your own success. You are either a benefit or a burden to others. This is a very distinct separation. Burdening someone else or allowing them to become a burden on you is directly counter-productive toward either of your happiness. Be a benefit to all and require to only give focus to those who offer the same in return.
Become by letting go the need to be
When you think of what it is to be something, you typically think of a specific point at which you achieve a certain level. When you are trying to be that thing, you tend to try to compete at that level of what you consider being that thing is. But you have never put in the work or learning to actually be able to compete at that level. And when your attempts fail, you decide to give up. You never focused on the idea of becoming that thing. Becoming something is a growing process. It doesn't have an end point. You focus more on the discipline of learning and growing more so then reaching a plateau.
In the idea of having a career in your dream job, you typically think of the most celebrated person in your industry and you view them at their current level of achievement. This is typically far beyond where you now. Not understanding the process to get to that level you only see where they are now and view it as unreachable. So you take the easier path to a more easily attained job