Are you excited to end the year and start a new one?

Sometimes getting pumped up is not enough.  You must have a solid goal and a strategy in place if you really want to make all your excitement count.  But this is not as easy as it sound. A lot of individuals start the year great but lost momentum after just a couple of months or even weeks. If you are guilty of this then I am here to help you out.

One reason why someone fail to achieve what they want is because they don't have clarity on what they want to do or how to actually make something happen!

With only a couple of days before 2017 kicks-off, it is important that you take the time to have clarity on your goals and what you want to achieve in the year. This will enable you to launch into 2017 and hit the ground running from the start of the year.

Here are some tips:

  • Reflect on the year that was so you are conscious and aware of what you did well and what you can improve upon for next year.
  • Have a clear vision for your life as a whole. This is about having clarity on your biggest life goals. What do you want your life to look and feel like a year from now? 5years from now? 10 years from now? This ties back into having clarity on your purpose and mission in life.
  • You need to have absolute clarity on what you need to focus on and achieve in 2017 that will lead you to your bigger vision in life.
  • Break down your goals in a way that you have a very clear action plan. This will enable you to hit January 1 and know exactly what you need to do to move towards your goals.

That's really just the start of it. If you have clarity on these four things, then you're going to be in the top 2% of high-performers world-wide.

To help you with this, I have made the Journey Journal available for FREE instead of charging you $9.95 when you sign up for the FREE membership in The Refuze Community.

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The Journey Journal is tested and proven because I personally use it every year.  It helps me keep track of my priorities, gives me absolute clarity on what my goals are and how I am going to achieve them. It's the #1 Tool that’s all about setting my year up for success.

Now is the perfect time for you to do the same thing.

Being a Refuze-nuer is not only about getting the Journal for Free. It’s about committing to living your life above average.  It is about being in a community that offers you the tools, resources and knowledge that will not only help you become successful but also explore your potential.

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So if you want to enter 2017 with absolute clarity on what your goals are and how to go about achieving them and become a better version of who you are now then what are you waiting for? Sign up now with no fee and become a member of the Refuze Community.

Wishing you all the best!



Tony Kates

Tony Kates is the award-winning author of the #1 bestselling book, Refuze to Live Average, and the founder of, the world’s leading provider of male driven personal development ideas and training.  It is time for men to step into the true gre
atness they are capable of.  This requires us to not only appreciate the wisdom from our past, and to also openly accept a new awareness of what is required of us today in order to create a better tomorrow.

Daily Journey Journal Tony Kates