Having a morning ritual is one of those opportunities where we can make an empowering choice, or not. This choice, will certainly be a foreshadowing of the results we receive the rest of the day. Project that out into the future and it should be glaringly obvious if you want to life an extraordinary life, start the day off with that type of effort and the rest will fall in line.
Consider any other person who has reached the level of achievement you are hoping to match or exceed. Do you see them rolling over and hitting the snooze button 3 times. I find difficulty even imagining when they have the time to even sleep, let alone oversleep or drag their feet…
The benefits of a good morning routine:
- Completing your morning routine starts the day off with a victory !!
- Disciplined routines are easier to be consistent. 100% is Easy
- Predictable results
- More energy and focus, increasing productivity throughout the day
- Morning routines encourage healthier & happier decisions throughout the day
- Long term success & wellbeing
My 20 pc morning routine:
- Minimum 6 (Preferred 8 hours sleep) - Quite often 3 while building Refuze
- Record Waking thought
- I prefer to write it, but sometimes the thoughts come rapid and scattered so it’s best to quickly grab phone and voice record the ideas.
- Meditate 1-2 minutes on Waking Thought
- Review Day’s Agenda
- Stretch with focus on deep “box” breathing
- Resite out loud the Refuze Affirmation
- 3 mile aggressive stationary bike / Outside run
- Listen to Podcast
- 40 Pushups
- Detox Water
- Apple Cider
- Lemon
- Dash Cayanne Pepper
- Dash Tumeric
- #T2R Supplements
- Define
- Develop
- Pure (2)
- 16/18oz luke warm water
- Smile in mirror 30 seconds
- Shower
- Brush Teeth
- Hair
- Lotion
- Dress
- Cologne
- Protein Drink
Having a morning routine has definitely had an enormous impact on my overall progress and daily satisfaction. I enjoy knowing every day I am starting off with an effort to improve myself. This feeling stays with me throughout the day and benefits me in every way.
The fact is, we all have morning routines. Just some serve us better than others. Some will launch into being effective, some will support our remaining complacent and static. When you are ready to begin introducing a positive results oriented routine, my recommendation is to start off small. Begin with one item, and celebrate its regular completion. When you are ready, introduce another. As you add items, also increase their intensity to continually promote growth.
And don’t stop there. This translates into every other area of your life you can create routines for… an evening routine, an after work routine, a lunch hour routine, etc.
We all have 24 hours in our day. What decides the fate of some verses others quite often comes down to their routines….. Get on board !!
We’re in this together,
Thank you,
Tony Kates is the award-winning author of the #1 bestselling book, Refuze to Live Average, and the founder of Refuze.com, the world’s leading provider of male driven personal development ideas and training. It is time for men to step into the true gre
atness they are capable of. This requires us to not only appreciate the wisdom from our past, and to also openly accept a new awareness of what is required of us today in order to create a better tomorrow.