by iamrefuze | Nov 26, 2016 | Live on Purpose
[[ Fathers: Get in CHECK ! Three must do’s to be a real father. ]] Are you an absentee father? Are you a Satur-dad? Did you grow up with one of these? Help is on the way... We are facing a male epidemic. We are allowing our men to be raised by media...
by iamrefuze | May 15, 2016 | Live on Purpose, Novice Refuz-eneur
[[ Victim Mentality - Language Patterns ]] Men (and women) who suffer from a Victim Mentality have acquired three specific language patterns. These patterns are extremely common in today’s society and are tremendously destructive. But understand, these patterns...
by iamrefuze | Jul 8, 2015 | Live on Purpose
Like everything else in life, in order to be better at one thing, quite often something else has to suffer. In the case of your Subconscious this ideal holds very true. The subconscious has accepted the challenge to be incredibly accommodating in regards to its...
by iamrefuze | Jun 6, 2014 | Live on Purpose
Is your birthday coming soon? Would you like to know how to make your birthday more meaningful? The answer is simple; Instead of Happy Birthday, be Birthday Happy!! Be thankful for your opportunity to be alive. Give on your birthday instead of expecting to receive....
by iamrefuze | Mar 30, 2014 | Live on Purpose
Jealousy Jealousy is a feeling you get when you want, and believe you deserve, something someone else has; or when you perceive a threat to losing something, you already possess, to someone else. It’s an emotion, and as we’ve discussed in other posts, emotions are...